
Books marked with an asterisk denotes books which I’ve read before. Those in italics are books read out loud at home.


  1. Teaching the Faith at Home (David Reuter)
  2. Pinocchio (Carlo Collodi)
  3. Winnie the Pooh (A. A. Milne)
  4. House at Pooh Corner (A.A. Milne)
  5. Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America (Andrew Kern, Gene Edward Veith)
  6. The Brothers Karmazov (Dostoevsky)
  7. Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child (Anthony Esolen)
  8. The Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahme)
  9. Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens)


  1. Grace Abounds: The Splendor of Christian Doctrine (Daniel Deutschlander)
  2. House of Living Stones (Katie Schuermann)
  3. Gathered Guests:A Guide to Worship in the Lutheran Church (Timothy Maschke)
  4. Grace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today (John Kleinig) *
  5. The Hammer of God (Bo Giertz) *
  6. The Pastor (Wilhelm Loehe)
  7. The Choir Immortal (Katie Schuermann)
  8. Theological Commonplaces: On the Law (Johann Gerhard)
  9. Johann Sebastian Bach and Liturgical Life in Leipzig (Guenther Stiller)
  10. Praying Luther’s Small Catechism (John Pless)
  11. The Perfect Game (Terrence Moore)
  12. Chemnitz’ Works: Church Order (Martin Chemnitz)
  13. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
  14. Letters to an American Lady (C.S. Lewis)
  15. The Devil Knows Latin: Why America Needs the Classical Tradition (E. Christian Kopff)
  16. The Lost Arts of Modern Civilization: How to Taste and See the Abundance of Life (Mitchel Kalpakigan)


  1. They Walked Here (Adolph Fehlauer) *
  2. The Screwtape Letters (C.S. Lewis)
  3. Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
  4. Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer (Eugene Peterson)
  5. How to Read a Book (Mortimer Adler)
  6. Ceremony and Celebration (Paul H.D. Lang)
  7. Christ’s Church (Bo Giertz)
  8. On Being a Christian (Henry Hamann) *
  9. A Little Book on Joy (Matthew Harrison)
  10. The Contemplative Pastor (Eugene Peterson) *
  11. Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns (T. David Gordon) *
  12. The Fire and the Staff: Lutheran Theology in Practice (Klemet Preus) *
  13. Go Set a Watchman (Harper Lee)
  14. On Sin & Free Choice (Johann Gerhard)
  15. Sanctification, Christ in Action (Harold Senkbeil)
  16. You, My People, Shall Be Holy (John R. Stevenson, ed)
  17. Ladylike: Living Biblically (Rebekah Curtis, Rose Adle)
  18. I Married You (Walter Trobisch)


  1. Luther: Man Between God and the Devil (Heiko Oberman) *
  2. To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
  3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (J.K. Rowling)
  4. Accompany Them with Singing (Thomas Long)
  5. Then Fell the Lord’s Fire (Bo Giertz)
  6. Diary of a Country Priest (Georges Bernanos)
  7. Mr. Pipes and the British Hymn Makers (Douglas Bond)
  8. This Is My Body (Hermann Sasse)
  9. The Church of the Lutheran Reformation (Conrad Bergendoff)
  10. The Reformation Era (Harold Grimm)
  11. A Handbook for Classical Lutheran Education
  12. A Christian Pedagogy (Edward Koehler)
  13. The Apocrypha: The Lutheran Edition with Notes
  14. Theological Commonplaces: On The Ministry II (Johann Gerhard)
  15. The Knights of Rhodes (Bo Giertz)
  16. The Problem of Suffering (Gregory Schultz)
  17. Telling the Next Generation
  18. Meditations on Divine Mercy (Johann Gerhard)
  19. The Hammer of God (Bo Giertz) *
  20. Uncovering the Logic of English (Denise Eide)
  21. Broken: 7 “Christian” Rules That Every Christian Ought to Break as Often as Possible (Jonathan Fisk)
  22. The Abolition of Man (C. S. Lewis)
  23. Preaching the Reformation (Urbanus Rhegius)
  24. Christ Have Mercy: How to Put Your Faith in Action (Matthew Harrison)


  1. The Conservative Reformation (C.P. Krauth)
  2. The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
  3. Simply Classical (Cheryl Swope)
  4. The Lonely Way – Vol 1 (Herman Sasse)
  5. Letters to Lutheran Pastors (Herman Sasse)
  6. Examination of the Council of Trent, vol. IV (Martin Chemnitz)
  7. To Serve Them All My Days (R.F. Delderfield) *
  8. Marriage is Like Dancing (Richard Eyer)


  1. Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian (Bryan Wolfmueller)
  2. Rooted in the Faith: Preparation for Church Membership (Charles Arand)
  3. United in Christ: Preparation for Christian Marriage (Scott Stiegemeyer)
  4. The Synodical Conference (Armin Schuetze)
  5. Toward Lutheran Union (Graebner, Kretzmann)
  6. Grace upon Grace (John Kleinig)
  7. Love & Respect (Dr. Emerson Eggerichs)
  8. Lutheran Education: From Wittenberg to the Future (Thomas Korcok)
  9. Law & Gospel: How to Read and Apply the Bible (C.F.W. Walther)
  10. The Narrow Lutheran Middle (Daniel Deutschlander)
  11. Handbook of Consolations (Johann Gerhard)
  12. The Brothers Karamzov (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
  13. Family Vocation (Gene Edward Veith, Mary Moerbe)
  14. Christless Christianity (Michael Horton)
  15. He Remembers the Barren (Katie Schuermann)
  16. The Bondage of the Will – LW 33 (Martin Luther)
  17. The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien)
  18. The Defense Never Rests (Craig Parton)
  19. Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Dürer’s Small Passion (Carolyn Brinkley)
  20. Postmodern Times (Gene Edward Veith)
  21. The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis)
  22. The Examination of the Council of Trent, vol. 3 (Martin Chemnitz)
  23. Sacred Meditations (Johann Gerhard)


  1. God So Loved the World (Lyle Lange, NPH)
  2. Whether Soldiers, Too, Can Be Saved (Martin Luther LW 46)
  3. Positively Lutheran (John Braun, NPH)
  4. The Kingdom of Christ (J.P. Meyer)
  5. Dying to Live (Harold Senkbeil) *
  6. The Papacy Evaluated (E.G. Behm)
  7. Johann Kilian, Pastor (George Nielsen)
  8. A Tale of Two Synods: Events That Led to the Split between Wisconsin and Missouri (Mark Braun)
  9. The Christian & Birth Control (Robert Fleischmann)
  10. Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity (Eugene H. Peterson)
  11. On Being a Christian: a personal confession (Henry Hamann)
  12. Motivation for Ministry: perspectives for every pastor (Nathan Pope)
  13. Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
  14. First Conversation (Bethesda Institute)
  15. What in the World Is Going On?: Identifying Hollow and Deceptive Worldviews (David C. Thompson)
  16. Down Range: to Iraq and Back (Bridget C. Cantrell, Ph.D., & Chuck Dean)
  17. Examination of the Council of Trent, part 2 (Martin Chemnitz)
  18. Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns (T. David Gordon)
  19. The Cradle and the Crucible: A history of the forming of the Arizona-California District (Charles E. Found)
  20. The Ministry of the Word (John Brug)
  21. Ministry, Word, and Sacraments: An Enchiridion (Martin Chemnitz)
  22. Gazelles, Baby Steps, and 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt (Jon Acuff)
  23. Strong Father, Strong Daughters (Dr. Meg Meeker)
  24. The Hammer of God (Bo Giertz) *
  25. Luther’s Liturgical Music (Robin Leaver)
  26. Why Johnny Can’t Preach (T. David Gordon)
  27. The Theology of the Cross (Daniel Deutschlander) *


  1. Church Fellowship (John F. Brug)
  2. Examination of the Council of Trent: Part I (Martin Chemnitz)
  3. Creating Relevent Rituals (Chris Harris)
  4. The Hammer of God (Bo Giertz)
  5. What’s Going on Among the Lutherans (Patsy Leppien)
  6. Christ: Jesus is My Lord (Kruschel)
  7. Holy Spirit: the Giver of Life by Vogt
  8. Curious Journey (Hunter/Dingus)
  9. Redeeming Science (Poythress)
  10. I Trust When Dark My Road (Todd Peperkorn)
  11. Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
  12. Financial Peace Revisited (Ramsey)
  13. Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions
  14. Kent Hrbek’s Tales from the Minnesota Twins Dugout (Hrbek)
  15. The Proper Distinction Between Law & Gospel (C.F.W Walther) (old version)
  16. God So Loved the World (Lyle Lange)
  17. Singing the Gospel: Lutheran Hymns and the Success of the Reformation by Christopher Boyd Brown
  18. Lutheranism 101

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